Sunday, 29 March 2015

30.3.15 Class 6.1

Critique, Making

Today we worked on further fine tuning our work and getting last minute critiques, then working on finishing off blogs, workbooks and final printed brochures.

The critique i got today was:

-Make cover title same size as page titles
-move 'creative' and 'wellington' closer
-move sub heading further away and make black

-Make title red
-extend yellow road on map
-pinpoint airport
-label spots of interest on map

-change title and add subheading for it to coincide with the other tiles and subheadings

-Make all page titles sit at same place on the grid
- Kerning titles
-Move subheading less crammed to titles of pages

This is my brochure after fixing up final points:

I also wrote out my rationale:

The topic I chose was seeing/experiencing art sculptures throughout Wellington City. I wanted to convey excitement and interest in the sculptures to show just how much vibrancy Wellingtons art brings to the city. In order to create a feeling of excitement I combined each sculpture with different elements (water, fire, wind) to create the idea of movement in an otherwise static image. I made sure my compositions centered around the sculptures themselves, highlighting that the act of seeing them is important and that they should dominate your attention, due to this my imagery takes up a large majority of space in the grid and overlaps pages in order to create this. Also my use of circle imagery/shapes was in order to reinforce this idea of excitement, as excitement is fluid and moving thus with a shape such as a circle is not rigid and thus does not feel static hence communicating this idea of fluidity. What I learnt about my own process is that I rely heavily on critique while being open to critique is good I need to learn to be able to scrutinize my work further and effectively when working individually so I do not have to wait for critiques in order to proceed further.

These are pictures/textures i have sourced from the internet which i have later editted in order to create texture etc into my work:

-Maps in circles on spreads were from google maps and then editted by me
- On tripod the majority of the flames were sourced from

sourced from

sourced from

sourced from

sourced from

sourced from

sourced from

  sourced from

24.3.15 Class 5.2

Critique, Making
Today we continued developing our brochures as well as getting critique, my critique was:

-Make type red to tie in with the red cone
- Change type face to something more creative looking
-Get rid of underline as that is not consistent with the rest of the brochure
-Make imagery less shapely

Bucket fountain spread:
-Fix rags
-Move icons up away from being squashed at the very bottom

Tripod spread:
-Move embassy feature text more in line with title like in other spreads
-fix rags
-Move icons up  so less squished at the bottom

Akau Tangi:
-Move evans bay more in line with title
-Move icons up as it is is getting too close with imagery

-Change title to the same red as front cover
- Bold subheadings
-Move meridian walk in line with wellington walk 
-Make sub headings smaller

-Use story and thin space to make artist info more square like and aligned
-Make artist info the same size as the icon info
-Make icon info text same size
-Make main body text 0.5pt smaller

 Improved spreads and imagery after feedback as well as an introduction/map page:

Monday, 23 March 2015

23.3.15 Week 5 Class 1

Critique, Making

Today we discussed different ways in which we could approach and create maps for our brochure, then we got critique on the work we did so far, my critique was:

-More interesting 'creative' sounding name
-Make subheading link with title, less dispersed
-No need to use the word art
-put the sculpture walk aspect in subheading
-Try use the windcones imagery for the front cover instead

Bucket Fountain spread:
-Make title blue
-Move body of text up
-Center icon type
-Make icon type smaller
-Make 'artist' say wellington artist in order to make a more square shape

-Make artist icon consist size with the rest of the brochure
-move icons down and text to the side so not obstructed by the image
-Move tripod down and make it smaller
-give map circle an orange tint
-cut out background just keep tripod and fire

Akau Tangi spread:
-Clean up imagery
-Move icons to the top, can make them horizontal does not always have to be vertical
-Move text away from imagery and move down
-work on tracking
-centre icon text

Checklist spread:
-Move city walk to the left
-Colour the circles and list type to corresponding colours
-Move trust and checklist to same line and to the left
-Make circles smaller, the same point size as writting next to it
-Move city walk down so it links with its own list not the one above it

-Fix hyphens, change paragraph style
-indent instead of paragraph spaces
-centre icon text
-make it wellington artist

Changes made after given critique:

Friday, 20 March 2015

21.3.15 Week 4 Homework

Week 4 Homework

This week I have been working on further developing, refining and making my pages and spreads for my brochure. I have been working on creating my wind/wind cones/akau tangi sculpture spread and so i had to create icon imagery which suited the spread eg, colour and attributes:

I then worked on creating the map element of the imagery: 

Overall i decided that having it without texture was more readible considering it was going to be overlayed with wind texture when combined with my photographic imagery. So then i worked on deciding what level of transparency  the photograph would have as well as combing it with the map:

I then worked on putting together my spread for the akau tangi spread:

Once i finished working on that i went to do research for what i would do my extra spread on. I decided i would do a checklist on must see sculptures in wellington city. I just had to work out how to categorise them, so i decided to implement the wellington sculpture trust and the way in which certain sculptures are associated with them and that there are different walks associated with the sculptures depending on where they are located, and so i could categorise them by their walks, (this was the website i referenced this idea from Even though not all of the sculptures established by the trust are elemental or associated with my previous sculptures i still think it is worthwhile in the sense that the reader of this brochure will be interested in the other types of sculptures which can be found in the Wellington City.
Here is my intial spread for this, i need some critique on it as im not entirely sure how to make in coexist with my other spreads considering how text heavy it is rather than image heavy :

Then i worked on the cover page, i decided to make the imagery circular as that is the shape i have been consistently going with for the entire booklet so far and thus i am aiming for that to help link it, i also used colour to imply the different elements instead of doing the exact same thing i have already done on the spreads but still getting the same type of idea across:

This is all helpful in proceeding towards the completion of the brochure especially in terms of creating a cohesive style throughout with finalised concepts for each page/spreads.
I will now print off two copies of my brochure so far, one for critique on monday and the other for me to self critique in regards to kerning, written content etc.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

17.3.15 Class 4.2

17.3.15 Class 4.2
Critique, Making

Today we continued to work on our spreads and got critique on them. The crititque i got on my development was:
-Make title bigger
-Fix bolded type
-Make icon type inline with the top of the circle of the icon
-Give more information about the artists
-Apply this set out to my other two sculpture spreads, and try alternating the layout of the pages to create dynamic flow when reading

So i fixed these aspects on the bucket fountain page and started to work on the tripod page, i also made icons which relate to the tripod colour scheme etc. i also tried experimenting with a different circle type.
Overall this helps me to work towards making polished spreads which will be cohesive with one another and look as if they all belong in the same book with none looking out of place.
