Monday, 9 March 2015

9.3.2015 Class 3.1 work and homework

 Class 3.1 work and homework
Making, Critique

Today in class we worked on identifying how different patterns and shapes can evoke different emotive qualities and how this can bring a new dimension to our compositions. This will create a new consideration for me in future compositions.
I also experimented on texture with my maps to link them to the compositions as well as experimenting with combining my line work to my air cones photos.

Then I got critique on what i produced on the weekend and during class, the main points of the critique were;

-to swap out the green islands sculpture with the weta tripod as it fit more easily with what i was successfully experimenting with visually for my bucket fountain compositions. This means instead of earth the tripod will take the element of fire as it appears as if it was metal forged together by great flames.
-i need to produce element silloettes for all 3 of my sculptures, (eg. the bucket fountain silloette filled with water)
-I also need to produce imagery that is a combination of photography and symbolism of the respective elements (eg. bucket fountain with splash out the side).
-'simple' imagery can be very effective and still communicate what needs to be communicated, in some of my pieces i created on the weekend were over worked and thus lost their successfulness in relation to my earlier, less busy compositions.
-instead of communicating wind with passive, waving lines make them angular and have direction and purpose showing the severity of the wind.
-fire can be represented with more organic/fluid movement or even fading with smoke.

This is the work i produced after class trying to follow this guidance:

I also made a new visual and written matrix for this sculpture:

Point of difference regarding the activity
End of Courtney place
Emotive Quality/Adjective
Three Secondary communication points
-Artist nationality
-Sense that it effects (eg. Sight)

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