Week 4 Homework
This week I have been working on further developing, refining and making my pages and spreads for my brochure. I have been working on creating my wind/wind cones/akau tangi sculpture spread and so i had to create icon imagery which suited the spread eg, colour and attributes:
I then worked on creating the map element of the imagery:
Overall i decided that having it without texture was more readible considering it was going to be overlayed with wind texture when combined with my photographic imagery. So then i worked on deciding what level of transparency the photograph would have as well as combing it with the map:
I then worked on putting together my spread for the akau tangi spread:
Once i finished working on that i went to do research for what i would do my extra spread on. I decided i would do a checklist on must see sculptures in wellington city. I just had to work out how to categorise them, so i decided to implement the wellington sculpture trust and the way in which certain sculptures are associated with them and that there are different walks associated with the sculptures depending on where they are located, and so i could categorise them by their walks, (this was the website i referenced this idea from http://www.sculpture.org.nz/about-the-trust/overview). Even though not all of the sculptures established by the trust are elemental or associated with my previous sculptures i still think it is worthwhile in the sense that the reader of this brochure will be interested in the other types of sculptures which can be found in the Wellington City.
Here is my intial spread for this, i need some critique on it as im not entirely sure how to make in coexist with my other spreads considering how text heavy it is rather than image heavy :
Then i worked on the cover page, i decided to make the imagery circular as that is the shape i have been consistently going with for the entire booklet so far and thus i am aiming for that to help link it, i also used colour to imply the different elements instead of doing the exact same thing i have already done on the spreads but still getting the same type of idea across:
This is all helpful in proceeding towards the completion of the brochure especially in terms of creating a cohesive style throughout with finalised concepts for each page/spreads.
I will now print off two copies of my brochure so far, one for critique on monday and the other for me to self critique in regards to kerning, written content etc.
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