Tuesday, 17 March 2015

17.3.15 Class 4.2

17.3.15 Class 4.2
Critique, Making

Today we continued to work on our spreads and got critique on them. The crititque i got on my development was:
-Make title bigger
-Fix bolded type
-Make icon type inline with the top of the circle of the icon
-Give more information about the artists
-Apply this set out to my other two sculpture spreads, and try alternating the layout of the pages to create dynamic flow when reading

So i fixed these aspects on the bucket fountain page and started to work on the tripod page, i also made icons which relate to the tripod colour scheme etc. i also tried experimenting with a different circle type.
Overall this helps me to work towards making polished spreads which will be cohesive with one another and look as if they all belong in the same book with none looking out of place.


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